Acupuncture is one component of a medical system that has been in existence for centuries. The goal of acupuncture is to restore the natural flow of the body’s resources through the pathways (meridians or channels) of vitality. In general, an obstruction of one or more of the body’s pathways results in pain or imbalance. By restoring healthy flow, the discomfort or imbalance is relieved or resolved.
This model can be applied to any system in the body and can be viewed through the obstructive effects of stress, inflammation, injury, and/or trauma.
About Your Appointment
The initial appointment includes a thorough intake as well as a treatment. During the intake, we discuss the reason(s) for your visit and your health history. I will also gather some Chinese medicine diagnostics, such as tongue and pulse, to add to my evaluation. The treatment will then be based on all of the information gathered.
Prepare for your treatment by wearing comfortable or easily-removed clothing. Also be ready to unwind and unplug by allowing the treatment to be a device-free time for yourself. Acupuncture treatment is offered in a private room and may also include the following as indicated:
A treatment technique using suction to release stagnant muscles and tissue. Traditional fire cupping is primarily used. Cups may be stationary or moved around depending on treatment indications.
Gua Sha
A treatment technique using a flat tool to release heat, stagnation, and tension. Sometimes a vigorous scraping technique is used. A gentle, focused, tissue-manipulation technique may also be used as indicated.
A device is connected to treatment needles that administers an adjusted current of electricity. The procedure feels like a TENS unit and is used in similar application. An excellent tool for chronic pain relief.
Tui Na
Chinese medicine massage used in a fashion to open channels and free stagnation. This technique has many forms and can also be used to warm and nourish areas of deficiency as indicated.
Essential Oil Application
Selected essential oils are used in tiny amounts in a fashion similar to the application of acupuncture needles. Each oil has specific properties - oils are selected to reinforce treatment as indicated.